India France Relations and Indo-French Friendship
India France Relations have traditionally been Cordial and close. With the establishment of the strategic partnership in 1998, there has been significant progress in all areas of bilateral cooperation through regular high-level exchanges at the Head of State/Head of Government levels and growing commercial exchanges including in strategic areas such as defence, nuclear energy and space.
France was the first country with which India entered into an agreement on nuclear energy following the waiver given by International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group enabling India to resume full civil nuclear cooperation with the international community. Today India France relations are growing fast in important areas for the future, with wide-ranging cooperation in political, economic and cultural fields and on defence, space, science and technology, and education.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to India, 25-26 January, 2008 : Sarkozy paid a State visit to India from 25-26 January 2008. He was the Chief Guest at the Indian Republic Day Parade. He was accompanied by 5 Ministers: Environment Minister (and DPM) Jean-Louis Borloo, Defence Minister Herve Morin, Justice Minister Rachida Dati, Higher Education and Research Minister Valerie Pecresse and Deputy Foreign Minister for Human Rights Rama Yade and a large business delegation. Sarkozy addressed a very large business meeting organised by FICCI. This visit was important as it gave an opportunity to establish contacts at the highest level after President Sarkozy took over.
Indian Prime Minister's visit to France, 29-30 September, 2008: Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh paid an official visit to France from 28th-30th September, 2008. The India-European Union Summit took place at Marseille on 29th September while the India-France bilateral Summit took place in Paris the following day. During the visit, besides meeting President Sarkozy, PM Manmohan Singh also met French PM Francois Fillon and addressed a gathering at MEDEF (French Association of company heads).
PM Manmohan singh's visit as Guest of Honour to the 14 July Bastille Day Celebrations : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited France from 13-14 July 2009. He was the guest of honour at the French National Day celebrations (Bastille Day parade). A 400 strong contingent of the Indian armed forces took part in the parade and led the march past. This was the first time ever, that Indian troops took in another country’s national day parade. President Sarkozy hosted a lunch in honour of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, after which PM and the President addressed the larger gathering of invitees to the President’s National Day reception at the Elysée. PM extended an invitation to President Sarkozy and his wife to visit India.
PM Manmohan Singh and french President Sarkozy have also met during 2009 at international
conferences - the G-8 + 5 in Italy and the G-20 Summit in London (April 2009) and Pittsburg (Sept
2009). The two leaders held a separate meeting on the sidelines of the CHOGM in Trinidad & Tobago
on 27 November 2009 and G-20 Summit in Toronto in June 2010 and discussed both bilateral and
global issues.
Institutional Structure for dialogue
India and France have instituted a high-level, Strategic Dialogue at the level of National Security Advisers which provides both sides an opportunity to review the evolution of the overall global security situation and emerging challenges in various parts of the world. The 21st round of Strategic Dialogue took place in New Delhi, on 18 January, 2010, while the 22nd round was held in New Delhi, on 11 October 2010. Annual Foreign Office Consultations are held at the level of Foreign Secretaries of the two countries. The last Consultations took place in New Delhi on 4th May, 2010. A special Joint Working Group on Terrorism has been established to aid cooperation in the fight against terrorism. A High Level Committee for Defence at the level of Defense Secretaries, working through its three specialized sub-committees, deals with issues related to our defense cooperation. The last meeting was held in Paris on 18 – 19 November 2010. A Joint Committee for Economic and Technical Cooperation at the level of Ministers of Commerce, deals with issues
related to commerce and trade. The last meeting was held in Paris, on 24-25 June 2010. Minister of
Commerce and Industry led the Indian delegation.
The newly formed India France CEOs Forum held a preliminary meeting in Paris on 26th June 2009 and the first meeting of the Forum was held in New Delhi on 28-29 November 2009. The second meeting was held in Paris on 24-25 June 2010. Shri Anand Sharma, Minister for Commerce and Industry, and Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac, French Minister for Foreign Trade addressed the Forum. Ways of enhancing cooperation in the fields of Energy, Water and Infrastructure, Green Growth, Education and Research, SME, Joint Ventures for investing in third countries and in each others’ countries were discussed, with a view to recommending concrete action points to the Governments. Their recommendations are expected to be submitted during the visit of President Sarkozy to India.
India France Trade and Investment
France is the 5th largest economy of the world and an important member of the G-8. Its technological strengths make it the leader in sectors such as aviation, space, food processing, transport, railways and agricultural research. However, France’s business interaction with India is not commensurate with its intrinsic economic capacity. France is ranked 5th in the list of India’s trading partners among EU countries (after the Germany, UK, Belgium, and Netherlands).
India France bilateral trade has been growing over the years. A table showing bilateral trade between India and France during the last ten years is at Annexure 12. India France trade declined by 21% in 2009 (from Euro 6.78 billion in 2008 to Euro 5.36 billion in 2009). In the first eight months of 2010, the trade has increased by about 27% over the corresponding period last year and stands at Euro 4.64 bn.
In the Joint Statement issued at the conclusion of President Sarkozy’s visit to India in January 2008, it was decided to double the two-way trade by 2012 i.e. to increase from the then Euro 6.14 billion to Euro 12 billion. This was reiterated during PM Dr. Manmohan Singh’s visit to France in September, 2008.
Major items of French exports comprise electrical equipment, aeronautical & space construction products, measuring & control equipments, iron & steel products, equipment for emission and transmission of sound & image, mechanical equipments, organic and other chemical products, general; special usage machines, equipment for reception & recording of sound & image, machine tools, engines and turbines etc.
Indian exports comprise a range of goods and services from the small and medium sector. Refined petroleum products, garments, textiles and apparel, accessories, leather clothes & footwear etc. constitute a major share of India's exports to France. Imports of refined petroleum products, auto equipment, fish and fish products and gems & jewellery and organic chemicals have been increasing.
India France Investment : France is the 9th largest foreign investor in India with cumulative investment of approximately Euro 2.34 billion. [Investment was of the order of Euro 1.4 billion or US $ 1.78 bn during the period April 2000 – August 2010 which represents 2% of total inflows]. The number of technical and financial collaborations approved with France is 952. During the Joint Committee Meeting held in June 2010, French interlocutors indicated that French companies have plans to make investments of the order of Euro 8 billion by 2013. Indian investments in France have also been growing. Indian companies have invested in IT, pharmaceuticals, plastic industry, auto parts, etc. in France. In 2007, Indian companies invested around Euro 0.5 billion in France. Cumulative Indian investments in France is estimated at around Euro 1 billion till now. Indian companies have created or maintained more than 8000 jobs in France.
India France dialogue on economic and technical issues is conducted in a structured way through Joint Working Groups. During the year JWG meetings on IT & Telecom (November 2009)., Urban Development & Urban Transportation; Agriculture (September 2009), Roads (November 2009) and Environment (February 2009) were held. Bilateral Air Services Talks were held, on 10-11 February 2010, in Paris and three MOUs on the Bilateral Air Services Agreement were signed on the occasion. Civilian Nuclear Energy Cooperation: France has been a partner in the field of civil nuclear energy for many decades. France played a major role in the IAEA and the NSG for the eventual lifting of restrictions on civil nuclear cooperation with India. A landmark Agreement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation between India and France was signed during the visit to France of PM Dr. Manmohan Singh on 30 September, 2008. This was the first of its kind signed by India with any country, following the NSG waiver for India. Thereafter an MOU was signed on February 4, 2009 between Nuclear Power Corporation of India and the French nuclear energy company AREVA for setting up 2, leading to possibly 6 EPR reactors/power plants of 1600 megawatts each. Negotiations are underway on a contract in this regard.
Civilian Space Cooperation: France and India view each other as important partners in space technology and applications. Arianespace continues to provide launch facilities for Indian Satellites (INSAT), while India’s PSLV has been used to launch satellites for European customers. ISRO and its French counterpart CNES hold annual meetings, the last being in Bangalore in July 2010. ISRO and CNES are working as equal partners on a scientific satellite programme called MeghaTropiques which is expected to be ready for launch in early 2011. Another satellite SARAL (satellites for ARGOS and ALTIKA) designed and built by ISRO with active co-operation from CNES is also expected to be launched in 2011. The Meghatropiques is designed to study tropical weather and could yield scientific data of relevance globally, in view of the importance of climate change issues. The Joint Working Group between ISRO and CNES meets regularly. Defence Cooperation: Defence cooperation with France is a key aspect of our overall bilateral
relationship. The High Level Committee on Defence Cooperation held its 13th session in Paris on 18- 19 November 2010 and reviewed bilateral ties covering strategic perceptions, collaboration in R&D
and procurement issues. Under the framework of the structured talks on India France Defence Cooperation several meetings on industrial collaboration and service exchanges are held regularly. The India France Research Forum (IFRF), met in Paris, from 1-3 September 2010. Army/ Navy/ Air Staff talks were held in Paris from 15-16 Nov 2010; the Military Sub Group (MSG) meeting, held in India on 17 Nov 2010; and the India France Sub-Committee on Defence Industry, Procurement, Research and Technology, held in Paris on 16-17 November 2010. Defence Minister Hervé Morin visited India from 3-4 December 2009 and held discussions with Raksha Mantri.
The India France Naval Exercise, Varuna 2009 was held for the first time in the Atlantic Ocean, in the waters of France, off the coast of Brittany from 27 Jun to 04 Jul 09. From the Indian side, INS Delhi, Brahmaputra, Beas and the tanker INS Aditya participated in the exercise. The India France Air Force Exercise Garuda IV was held in Istres from 14-25 June 2010 with the participation of SU MK 30 aircraft from India.
Cultural Exchanges: Indian culture enjoys a wide and discerning audience among the French population, as is evident in the numerous and frequent cultural events organised all over France, spanning the entire diversity of Indian art, music, dance and literature. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) sponsors visits of Indian artists to France as also exchange of students in the field of culture and art. A significant number of Indian artists also perform in France on a commercial basis or at the initiative of the various local cultural associations outside the purview of the official exchanges. Popular Indian cinema is finding new appreciation in France. Indian Film Festivals are organised round the year in different parts of France. India is now actively working to establish an Indian Cultural Centre in Paris.
Under an MoU signed between ICCR and the French Foreign Ministry in November 2009 cultural festivals have been organized in the two countries from Nov. 2009 onwards. Under the three-month French Festival "Bonjour India" major cultural events were organized in 7 major cities of India from Nov. 2009. The Indian cultural Festival "Namaste France" launched on 14 April, will go on till mid 2011, and features events covering the entire diversity of Indian culture including art, music, dance, fashion, tourism, films, and literature as also business and education.
Educational and Technical Cooperation: Bilateral cooperation in the fields of higher education, research, and S&T Cooperation is vibrant, on the upswing and intensifying within the governmental framework as well as outside it, as a reflection of the mutual admiration and respect between the human resources competencies of the academia, intelligentsia and youth. It is being encouraged in the form of an active Educational Exchange Programme, India France Consortium of Universities, scholarships, ICCR Chairs in Sanskrit / Indian Economy in France, social sciences research programmes and the latest collaboration in setting up of a new IIT in Rajasthan. Over 300 MoUs / Exchange Programmes exist between reputed educational institutions in a variety of disciplines in both counties. The number of Indian students studying in France has gone up to 2200. On the S & T front, joint projects and scientific research / mobility is strengthening in the fields of fundamental sciences and applied technology (within the Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), medical research and public health (between ICMR and its French counterpart INSERM), geological sciences (between GSI and the French agency BRGM), biotechnology / agrarian research (between the Department of Biotechnology/Indian Council for Agricultural Research and the French Institute for Agricultural Research -INRA) and ground water technologies. In the last Foreign Office Consultations held on 4 May 2010, emphasis was once again given to strengthening this cooperation. The French government has accordingly increased funding for seminars, students mobility (scholarships), scientific
research (IFCPAR) and new projects like the IIT-Rajasthan where France is collaborating with faculty, equipment and other resources.
Indians in France : The Indian community in France is estimated to be around 60,000, largely originating from Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam, Mahe and Chandranagar. About 6000 Indian nationals living in France are registered with the Indian Mission in Paris. There are also large communities of PIOs in the Reunion Island and Guadeloupe and Martinique, the overseas territories/departments of France.
France was the first country with which India entered into an agreement on nuclear energy following the waiver given by International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group enabling India to resume full civil nuclear cooperation with the international community. Today India France relations are growing fast in important areas for the future, with wide-ranging cooperation in political, economic and cultural fields and on defence, space, science and technology, and education.
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India France Relations |
French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to India, 25-26 January, 2008 : Sarkozy paid a State visit to India from 25-26 January 2008. He was the Chief Guest at the Indian Republic Day Parade. He was accompanied by 5 Ministers: Environment Minister (and DPM) Jean-Louis Borloo, Defence Minister Herve Morin, Justice Minister Rachida Dati, Higher Education and Research Minister Valerie Pecresse and Deputy Foreign Minister for Human Rights Rama Yade and a large business delegation. Sarkozy addressed a very large business meeting organised by FICCI. This visit was important as it gave an opportunity to establish contacts at the highest level after President Sarkozy took over.
Indian Prime Minister's visit to France, 29-30 September, 2008: Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh paid an official visit to France from 28th-30th September, 2008. The India-European Union Summit took place at Marseille on 29th September while the India-France bilateral Summit took place in Paris the following day. During the visit, besides meeting President Sarkozy, PM Manmohan Singh also met French PM Francois Fillon and addressed a gathering at MEDEF (French Association of company heads).
PM Manmohan singh's visit as Guest of Honour to the 14 July Bastille Day Celebrations : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited France from 13-14 July 2009. He was the guest of honour at the French National Day celebrations (Bastille Day parade). A 400 strong contingent of the Indian armed forces took part in the parade and led the march past. This was the first time ever, that Indian troops took in another country’s national day parade. President Sarkozy hosted a lunch in honour of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, after which PM and the President addressed the larger gathering of invitees to the President’s National Day reception at the Elysée. PM extended an invitation to President Sarkozy and his wife to visit India.
PM Manmohan Singh and french President Sarkozy have also met during 2009 at international
conferences - the G-8 + 5 in Italy and the G-20 Summit in London (April 2009) and Pittsburg (Sept
2009). The two leaders held a separate meeting on the sidelines of the CHOGM in Trinidad & Tobago
on 27 November 2009 and G-20 Summit in Toronto in June 2010 and discussed both bilateral and
global issues.
Institutional Structure for dialogue
India and France have instituted a high-level, Strategic Dialogue at the level of National Security Advisers which provides both sides an opportunity to review the evolution of the overall global security situation and emerging challenges in various parts of the world. The 21st round of Strategic Dialogue took place in New Delhi, on 18 January, 2010, while the 22nd round was held in New Delhi, on 11 October 2010. Annual Foreign Office Consultations are held at the level of Foreign Secretaries of the two countries. The last Consultations took place in New Delhi on 4th May, 2010. A special Joint Working Group on Terrorism has been established to aid cooperation in the fight against terrorism. A High Level Committee for Defence at the level of Defense Secretaries, working through its three specialized sub-committees, deals with issues related to our defense cooperation. The last meeting was held in Paris on 18 – 19 November 2010. A Joint Committee for Economic and Technical Cooperation at the level of Ministers of Commerce, deals with issues
related to commerce and trade. The last meeting was held in Paris, on 24-25 June 2010. Minister of
Commerce and Industry led the Indian delegation.
The newly formed India France CEOs Forum held a preliminary meeting in Paris on 26th June 2009 and the first meeting of the Forum was held in New Delhi on 28-29 November 2009. The second meeting was held in Paris on 24-25 June 2010. Shri Anand Sharma, Minister for Commerce and Industry, and Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac, French Minister for Foreign Trade addressed the Forum. Ways of enhancing cooperation in the fields of Energy, Water and Infrastructure, Green Growth, Education and Research, SME, Joint Ventures for investing in third countries and in each others’ countries were discussed, with a view to recommending concrete action points to the Governments. Their recommendations are expected to be submitted during the visit of President Sarkozy to India.
India France Trade and Investment
France is the 5th largest economy of the world and an important member of the G-8. Its technological strengths make it the leader in sectors such as aviation, space, food processing, transport, railways and agricultural research. However, France’s business interaction with India is not commensurate with its intrinsic economic capacity. France is ranked 5th in the list of India’s trading partners among EU countries (after the Germany, UK, Belgium, and Netherlands).
India France bilateral trade has been growing over the years. A table showing bilateral trade between India and France during the last ten years is at Annexure 12. India France trade declined by 21% in 2009 (from Euro 6.78 billion in 2008 to Euro 5.36 billion in 2009). In the first eight months of 2010, the trade has increased by about 27% over the corresponding period last year and stands at Euro 4.64 bn.
In the Joint Statement issued at the conclusion of President Sarkozy’s visit to India in January 2008, it was decided to double the two-way trade by 2012 i.e. to increase from the then Euro 6.14 billion to Euro 12 billion. This was reiterated during PM Dr. Manmohan Singh’s visit to France in September, 2008.
Major items of French exports comprise electrical equipment, aeronautical & space construction products, measuring & control equipments, iron & steel products, equipment for emission and transmission of sound & image, mechanical equipments, organic and other chemical products, general; special usage machines, equipment for reception & recording of sound & image, machine tools, engines and turbines etc.
Indian exports comprise a range of goods and services from the small and medium sector. Refined petroleum products, garments, textiles and apparel, accessories, leather clothes & footwear etc. constitute a major share of India's exports to France. Imports of refined petroleum products, auto equipment, fish and fish products and gems & jewellery and organic chemicals have been increasing.
India France Investment : France is the 9th largest foreign investor in India with cumulative investment of approximately Euro 2.34 billion. [Investment was of the order of Euro 1.4 billion or US $ 1.78 bn during the period April 2000 – August 2010 which represents 2% of total inflows]. The number of technical and financial collaborations approved with France is 952. During the Joint Committee Meeting held in June 2010, French interlocutors indicated that French companies have plans to make investments of the order of Euro 8 billion by 2013. Indian investments in France have also been growing. Indian companies have invested in IT, pharmaceuticals, plastic industry, auto parts, etc. in France. In 2007, Indian companies invested around Euro 0.5 billion in France. Cumulative Indian investments in France is estimated at around Euro 1 billion till now. Indian companies have created or maintained more than 8000 jobs in France.
India France dialogue on economic and technical issues is conducted in a structured way through Joint Working Groups. During the year JWG meetings on IT & Telecom (November 2009)., Urban Development & Urban Transportation; Agriculture (September 2009), Roads (November 2009) and Environment (February 2009) were held. Bilateral Air Services Talks were held, on 10-11 February 2010, in Paris and three MOUs on the Bilateral Air Services Agreement were signed on the occasion. Civilian Nuclear Energy Cooperation: France has been a partner in the field of civil nuclear energy for many decades. France played a major role in the IAEA and the NSG for the eventual lifting of restrictions on civil nuclear cooperation with India. A landmark Agreement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation between India and France was signed during the visit to France of PM Dr. Manmohan Singh on 30 September, 2008. This was the first of its kind signed by India with any country, following the NSG waiver for India. Thereafter an MOU was signed on February 4, 2009 between Nuclear Power Corporation of India and the French nuclear energy company AREVA for setting up 2, leading to possibly 6 EPR reactors/power plants of 1600 megawatts each. Negotiations are underway on a contract in this regard.
Civilian Space Cooperation: France and India view each other as important partners in space technology and applications. Arianespace continues to provide launch facilities for Indian Satellites (INSAT), while India’s PSLV has been used to launch satellites for European customers. ISRO and its French counterpart CNES hold annual meetings, the last being in Bangalore in July 2010. ISRO and CNES are working as equal partners on a scientific satellite programme called MeghaTropiques which is expected to be ready for launch in early 2011. Another satellite SARAL (satellites for ARGOS and ALTIKA) designed and built by ISRO with active co-operation from CNES is also expected to be launched in 2011. The Meghatropiques is designed to study tropical weather and could yield scientific data of relevance globally, in view of the importance of climate change issues. The Joint Working Group between ISRO and CNES meets regularly. Defence Cooperation: Defence cooperation with France is a key aspect of our overall bilateral
relationship. The High Level Committee on Defence Cooperation held its 13th session in Paris on 18- 19 November 2010 and reviewed bilateral ties covering strategic perceptions, collaboration in R&D
and procurement issues. Under the framework of the structured talks on India France Defence Cooperation several meetings on industrial collaboration and service exchanges are held regularly. The India France Research Forum (IFRF), met in Paris, from 1-3 September 2010. Army/ Navy/ Air Staff talks were held in Paris from 15-16 Nov 2010; the Military Sub Group (MSG) meeting, held in India on 17 Nov 2010; and the India France Sub-Committee on Defence Industry, Procurement, Research and Technology, held in Paris on 16-17 November 2010. Defence Minister Hervé Morin visited India from 3-4 December 2009 and held discussions with Raksha Mantri.
The India France Naval Exercise, Varuna 2009 was held for the first time in the Atlantic Ocean, in the waters of France, off the coast of Brittany from 27 Jun to 04 Jul 09. From the Indian side, INS Delhi, Brahmaputra, Beas and the tanker INS Aditya participated in the exercise. The India France Air Force Exercise Garuda IV was held in Istres from 14-25 June 2010 with the participation of SU MK 30 aircraft from India.
Cultural Exchanges: Indian culture enjoys a wide and discerning audience among the French population, as is evident in the numerous and frequent cultural events organised all over France, spanning the entire diversity of Indian art, music, dance and literature. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) sponsors visits of Indian artists to France as also exchange of students in the field of culture and art. A significant number of Indian artists also perform in France on a commercial basis or at the initiative of the various local cultural associations outside the purview of the official exchanges. Popular Indian cinema is finding new appreciation in France. Indian Film Festivals are organised round the year in different parts of France. India is now actively working to establish an Indian Cultural Centre in Paris.
Under an MoU signed between ICCR and the French Foreign Ministry in November 2009 cultural festivals have been organized in the two countries from Nov. 2009 onwards. Under the three-month French Festival "Bonjour India" major cultural events were organized in 7 major cities of India from Nov. 2009. The Indian cultural Festival "Namaste France" launched on 14 April, will go on till mid 2011, and features events covering the entire diversity of Indian culture including art, music, dance, fashion, tourism, films, and literature as also business and education.
Educational and Technical Cooperation: Bilateral cooperation in the fields of higher education, research, and S&T Cooperation is vibrant, on the upswing and intensifying within the governmental framework as well as outside it, as a reflection of the mutual admiration and respect between the human resources competencies of the academia, intelligentsia and youth. It is being encouraged in the form of an active Educational Exchange Programme, India France Consortium of Universities, scholarships, ICCR Chairs in Sanskrit / Indian Economy in France, social sciences research programmes and the latest collaboration in setting up of a new IIT in Rajasthan. Over 300 MoUs / Exchange Programmes exist between reputed educational institutions in a variety of disciplines in both counties. The number of Indian students studying in France has gone up to 2200. On the S & T front, joint projects and scientific research / mobility is strengthening in the fields of fundamental sciences and applied technology (within the Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), medical research and public health (between ICMR and its French counterpart INSERM), geological sciences (between GSI and the French agency BRGM), biotechnology / agrarian research (between the Department of Biotechnology/Indian Council for Agricultural Research and the French Institute for Agricultural Research -INRA) and ground water technologies. In the last Foreign Office Consultations held on 4 May 2010, emphasis was once again given to strengthening this cooperation. The French government has accordingly increased funding for seminars, students mobility (scholarships), scientific
research (IFCPAR) and new projects like the IIT-Rajasthan where France is collaborating with faculty, equipment and other resources.
Indians in France : The Indian community in France is estimated to be around 60,000, largely originating from Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam, Mahe and Chandranagar. About 6000 Indian nationals living in France are registered with the Indian Mission in Paris. There are also large communities of PIOs in the Reunion Island and Guadeloupe and Martinique, the overseas territories/departments of France.
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